Wednesday 9 January 2008

A Little Bit About Me...

Since this is my first post I thought I should let you know about a bit about myself... I'm 28, female and I live in Dublin, Ireland. Also, I watch a lot of films... now to be fair, I don't watch as many films as some people but I probably watch somewhere between 150 to 200 films a year. It's probably worth laying out a bit about my film watching habits too...

Generally I'll watch anything, really anything... Harold & Kumar to Cidade de Deus to Manos: The Hands of Fate... bring it on! (actually Bring It On is a great film... you should watch it, yes you!!)

Also I don't like to know too much about a film before I go see it. Ok, it's interesting to know if the world at large thinks it's good or bad but I don't read critics reviews or anything like that. I'll read them afterwards but not before, I prefer to go to a film and make up my own mind. In fact the only things I really want to know about a film are who directed it, who's in it and how long it is (vital for knowing how much popcorn to get).

If you're wondering about my tastes, I try to rate all my films on IMDb so here is a link to my ratings there. In my mind there's no such thing as a guilty pleasure, I never feel guilty about them :-).

So I think that's it for now, if there's anything else you want to know about me let me know!

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